Once Upon a Samhain: A Sea Witch Faerie Tale October 29, 2021 Once upon a certain hallowed night in late October sat the Sea Witch at her dinner table in silence. The meal she had prepared was laid out upon a simple...
Scorpio Season Magic: Six Plants to Breathe, Drink & Bathe With October 25, 2021 Welcome to Scorpio season, Sea Witches! We're back with some plant magic pointers and expert green witch insights for this, the season of a water sign so passionate and intense that...
Five Ways You Can Celebrate Samhain October 14, 2021 Samhain, the Celtic pagan holiday that honors the dead and ushers in the dark half of the year, is observed October 31st through November 1st at the midpoint between the autumnal equinox...
How to Celebrate the Autumnal Equinox September 20, 2021 As the hours of daylight wane and the nights grow longer, we observe a moment of balance and equilibrium. The Autumnal Equinox - when night and day are each twelve hours long...
Building a Bindrune Sigil for Libra Season September 16, 2021 Libra (September 22 - October 22)Element: AirSymbol: The Scales The shift from Virgo to Libra season can be a subtle one. Both signs seem to focus on purpose and perfection,...
A New Moon Tarot Reading from Sincerely The Tarot September 02, 2021 Every time the moon is new, we are offered an energetic fresh start and a chance to get back in sync with the cycles of the natural world. So, this month, let's try something new...
The Lion, the Witch, and the B Corp July 30, 2021 Hello, Sea Witches! It's your social media contact Peach here to wish you a very happy Alesia's birthday (!!!) and to bring you an exclusive interview with the Sea Witch...
As the Buck Moon Wanes July 23, 2021 No one talks about the waning,though so much happens here. In the morningWe collect our moonwater and forget that worlds are formingin the wake of that zenith. This is the...
Leo Season Magic: Big Main Character Energy July 21, 2021 CRAB exits upstage right. Spotlight on center stage.LION enters downstage left, crosses to spotlight. LION: [stares at audience until applause stops] Welcome to Leo Season. The Lion of Leo symbolizes...
Stockist Spotlight: The Vulva Witch July 14, 2021 "It’s a space that I hopeplants seeds of radical liberationand embodiment for all folx." Today, our Stockist Spotlight shines upon a truly awesome and inspiring, QWOC-owned business based in Sacramento,...
Five Ways to Capture Some Summer Magic July 13, 2021 Now is the time, Sea Witches. Now is the time to gather, harvest, collect and preserve the food and medicine growing in abundance all around us so that we can...
Cancer Season Magic | One With the Water June 21, 2021 It's officially Cancer Season, Sea Witches! Are you ready to feel your feelings?? For the last month, we've been in Air sign Gemini, feeling the heavily social, changeable, and flirtatious...