Lammas Late Summer Collection

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Collection: Lammas Late Summer Collection

Celebrate Lammas with the perfect all-natural fragrance for late summer.

What is Lammas and when is it celebrated?

Lammas is a seasonal pagan celebration marking the approximate halfway point between the midsummer solstice, or Litha, and the autumnal equinox, also known as Mabon. It is celebrated annually on August 1.

Lammas marks the first harvest of the season, and the waxing transition of an abundant summer into a fruitful fall. Also known as Lughnasadh or Lughnasa, this pagan holiday is derived from the ancient Celtic festival celebrating the god Lugh and his late foster mother Tailtiu, a goddess indigenous to Ireland and instrumental to their harvest.

The word Lammas comes from the old English hlāfmæsse, or loaf mass: Since the grain harvest from this season dictates the success of farmers’ crops to sustain their communities throughout the winter, the first loaves of bread from the harvest are consecrated at Lammas.

Where does Lammas fall on the Wheel of the Year?

The Wheel of the Year includes four Quarter Days and four Cross-Quarter Days, including the winter and summer solstices, vernal and autumnal equinoxes, and four midpoints bisecting each of these quarters. 

The dates of these eight points derive most directly from the pre-Christian Celtic calendar, a solar-lunar ritual calendar dating from the second century AD that divided the year into eight roughly-equivalent seasonal sections. 

In order throughout our modern annual calendar, the eight division points on the Wheel of the Year include: 

  • Imbolc (late winter), celebrated on February 1
  • Ostara (early spring), celebrated at the vernal equinox (on or around March 21)
  • Beltane (late spring), celebrated on May 1
  • Litha (early summer), celebrated at the summer solstice (on our around June 21)
  • Lammas (late summer), celebrated on August 1
  • Mabon (early fall), celebrated at the autumnal equinox (on or around September 21)
  • Samhain (late fall), celebrated on November 1 (often beginning at dusk on October 31)
  • Yule (early winter), celebrated at the winter solstice (on or around December 21)

Our Wheel of the Year seasonal incenses, solid perfumes, scented veils, and soy candles are formulated with all-natural essential oil blends that reflect the best of each of these seasons—from Imbolc’s cozy sandalwood and cedarwood to Litha’s heady vetiver and nutmeg. Each blend provides the perfect way to ring in a new season or harken back to seasons past at any time.

When is the Lammas line available?

Like all of our Wheel of the Year collections, the Lammas line features a premium seasonal scent, and only our Lammas incense sticks are currently available year-round—so stock up on the rest of the line while it’s in season! 

The complete line, which depending on the year may include a Lammas scented veil spray, Lammas solid perfume, Lammas essential oil candle, and/or a Lammas gift set, generally launches about six weeks before Lammas itself, shortly after the celebration of Litha (the point on the Wheel of the Year immediately preceding Lammas).

What does our Lammas scent smell like?

This signature scent is heady and rich with essential oils made to capture the fleeting sensations of this ethereal, sun-soaked, late-summer season. It features six of our most beloved botanical scents, including sandalwood, rose, frankincense, benzoin, bergamot, and rosemary.

Like a garden ripened with months of tending and growth, this blend offers nourishment and repletion—so regale yourself and feast upon the summer's bounty!

For use in spellwork, this blend aligns with the earth element; Leo, Virgo, and Taurus zodiac signs; The Sun tarot card; and the Jera rune.

Like all of our products, our Lammas scent will never contain chemical preservatives or synthetic petroleum-based fragrances like those commonly found in other incense sticks and scented products. You can learn more here about our commitment to keeping our bodies healthy and waterways clean by using 100% all-natural ingredients, including 100% pure essential oil fragrances.

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