Stockist Spotlight: Madrona Gifts-Sea Witch Botanicals

Stockist Spotlight: Madrona Gifts

This week our Stockist Spotlight falls upon a web-based gift box business called Madrona Gifts. Specializing in locally made goods, Madrona curates themed gift sets, and sustainably packages and ships them to happy customers. 

We are excited to feature this mini interview today with owner and operator Kirsten Lutes!

Madrona Gifts owner Kirsten Lutes with a giftbox 

What inspired you to open your store?

As an introvert, I’ve always found gifting to be a gratifying form of expression. A meaningful gift, imbued with the gifter's values and intention, can express so much more than words sometimes. I have spent a lot of time in Japan where gifting is a true art form, and when I thought about starting my own gift business I was inspired by the artfulness of the Japanese gift. It was also very important to me that my business practices reflect and support my personal values of simplicity and sustainability. That's why Madrona Gifts sources entirely locally, uses simple, zero-waste packaging, and offers only domestic, carbon-neutral shipping. In these ways, we hope to provide a meaningful e-commerce alternative, inspire reflection on the benefits of conscious consumption, and motivate others toward a healthier existence on our one, precious planet.

Madrona Gifts Home giftbox containing eco-friendly home goods 

Are there words you live by or wisdom you'd like to share?

Live your values, shop your values, share your values.

How would you describe your business in 3 words?

Local, natural, sustainable. 

How do you practice self-care? 

I'm a certified health coach and have a keen interest in how personal wellbeing intersects with the health of the planet. I practice self-care by living my values everyday: eating organic, shopping small, consuming consciously, living simply. 

Madrona Gifts Healing Comforts giftbox containing locally sourced goods

What aspects of being a shop owner are your favorite? 

I love collaborating with the local maker community! I am so inspired by all of the creative talent in this region, and individuals living intentional lives doing meaningful, self-designed work, with a positive impact on people and the planet. 

 Madrona Gifts Forest Bathers gift box containing soaps and White Lodge incense

Is there anything else you'd like to share with our readers? 

We're always looking for ways to serve our community better, so don't hesitate to reach out and let us know your thoughts and ideas. Thank you for your support! 

stacks of Madrona Gifts With Gratitude giftboxes

Besides shopping with you, are there any other ways folks can support you? 

Sharing our Facebook page, following us on Instagram, subscribing to our newsletter, and spreading the word about our business would all be great ways to support us. Thank you! 

 Madrona Gifts store front with a shop window and bench out front

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