New Moon Ritual Items
The New Moon blinks open its eye when the very first sliver of reflected light can be seen. It is at this moment that the new Moon cycle begins.*
This lunar phase lasts from one to three days, and corresponds with the season of winter, the theme of initiation, and the menstruation phase of the menstrual cycle.
A New Moon is a period of renewal. Much like the light of dawn on the winter solstice that emanates a promise of longer days to come, the New Moon offers hope, inspiration, and levity as she breathes new life into our worlds.
During menstruation, the uterus sheds its lining. The body prioritizes rest as estrogen and energy levels are at their lowest point, reflecting the minimal visibility of moonlight during a New Moon.
This is the time for planting and planning. What seeds do you wish to sow? What practices, mindsets, or magick would you like to take root in your life? Channel this lunar energy into cleansings and workings for new growth.
Practices to align your energy with the New Moon: cleansing; divination (we recommend reading cards); journaling; beginning a new project or study.
*Note: Many folks consider the Moon to be New when it is still Dark, while others consider these to be two separate phases. We’ve separated them here to offer insight into their particularities, but what you believe and how you practice with the Moon is entirely up to you.