March Horoscopes by Sara Galactica-Sea Witch Botanicals

March Horoscopes by Sara Galactica

The Collective

Embrace what is changing, kindred. 

May we seek refuge in hope.

May we step out of the comfort of our assumptions and receive new guidance. 

May the medicine we need be within reach. 

May we become the leaders we long for. 


Rise, fiery one. 

May the flame of your expression burn brightly.

May your light become a beacon of healing. 

May you harness the power of your will. 

May your wishes become your north star. 


Stay steady, strong one. 

May the many layers of memory guide you to your truth.

May you bless the ways you’ve waited.  

May the illumination of what held you back set you free. 

May you rise in service to the liberation of others. 


Move gently, swift one. 

May the wounds of your past allow you to witness the wholeness of your present. 

May you be delighted by the joy you’ve cultivated in the wake of sorrow.

May you plumb depths of your pleasure. 

May you bathe in your perfect completeness. 


Shine brightly, tender one. 

May what you lost reveal opportunity. 

May you succumb to the power you carry.

May you wear your triumph on your skin. 

May you confound your own expectations. 


Build thoughtfully, bright one. 

May you remember your place in nature. 

May you grow strong in the sun. 

May your battles become evidence of your grit. 

May your gratitude lead you to hope. 


Remember rest, driven one. 

May you empty your heart of fear, if only for today. 

May you trust yourself to know when you need to pause. 

May you allow the earth to remind you of your strength. 

May you take refuge in the knowledge of how truly loved you are. 


Take heart, worried one. 

May you remember that you have everything you need for a full life. 

May you honor the moments when you forget. 

May you prioritize love for your inner-child. 

May every act of creativity lead you back to your joyful truth. 


Step forward, secret-keeper. 

May your fears melt away like snow. 

May you accept your innate authority. 

May you arrive at the truth like an epiphany. 

May you allow your heart to open to possibility. 


Act magically, free spirit. 

May you take pleasure in even the most mundane acts. 

May joy bring you clarity. 

May small, incremental acts lead you toward your vision. 

May you bathe in the waters of protection. 


Practice flexibility, steady one. 

May your waiting turn to action. 

May hesitation yield to confidence.

May your roots support your growth. 

May you be surprised and delighted by the way you bloom. 


Embrace mystery, curious one. 

May you nurture and love yourself, as you are. 

May you bless what you’ve had to leave behind. 

May you see your power rising like the sun. 

May you allow yourself to trust in your wishes. 


Embrace wonder, creative one. 

May you accept your role as healer.

May you see your imagination as medicine. 

May the universe breathe inspiration into your lungs.

May all you touch become undone by your love. 

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