December's 10% Tuesdays Donation: Earthjustice

This December, 10% of online sales from every Tuesday of the month will be donated to Earthjustice, the United States' largest non-profit environmental law organization.

Earthjustice's mission is to "wield the power of law and the strength of partnership to protect people’s health, to preserve magnificent places and wildlife, to advance clean energy, and to combat climate change."

We stand with Earthjustice because they fight for the environment every single day by writing legislation on its behalf and representing its interests in legal cases.

Photo Courtesy of Earthjustice

Here are three ways Earthjustice serves our mission to protect the waterways:

1. Targeting the most dangerous chemicals and getting them pulled from our food systems.

2. Defending our right to clean water by pushing the EPA to advise power plants on how to clean up their pollutants.

3. Promoting healthy ocean ecosystems by establishing caps on fishing specific keystone species.

Photo Courtesy of Gary Seloff

Take menhaden fish, whose population was in critical condition. This keystone species, meaning many species depend upon its role in the ecosystem, was being obliterated by one particular company, Omega Protein, which grinds the fish to produce omega-3 capsules as well as pet food. Earthjustice brought awareness and a voice to the declining menhaden species by creating legislation to put a cap on the amount of menhaden that can be fished. This strategy has helped restore its population and the overall vitality of its ecosystem.

Join us this December, with 10% of all Tuesday sales proceeds benefiting Earthjustice's campaigns to defend the environment. Here is the link to donate directly.

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