Our Response to COVID-19

A Note from Our Founder

I want to take a moment to connect with our community and encourage everyone to practice calm and compassion in these stressful times.

We Sea Witches want our dear supporters to know that we are working diligently to keep up with the production of soap and other essentials while taking every sanitation precaution we can to ensure the health and safety of our products and work-family. As a small business owner, mother, and leader in the community, I consider the health of my employees to be most important and we are practicing precaution now and always.

There is no doubt that we are all feeling the effects of Covid-19. Whether it's the closure of small businesses, cancellation of events, or shortages of supplies, we are in this together. It is in these dire times that we are reminded just how important it is to practice good hygiene such as washing our hands more frequently and to embrace showing compassion for our community members. If you're in good health, continue to practice safe measures and remember to support your local community. We will get through this. As always, thank you for supporting our family business.

Keep Calm, and Wash On!

What We're Doing to Help

Site-wide Soap Sale*

A simple action we may have previously taken for granted, washing our hands, is in fact, the number one way to reduce the spread of disease. We want as many people to have access to high-quality soap as possible. That’s why for the entire month of March, our line of fragrance-free, gentle, print soaps are 20% off. If a discounted price helps reduce the burden on the consumer to stay healthy, then that is the least we can do to help.

*Note: this sale was for the month of March 2020

Lowered Free Shipping Threshold

We reduced our free shipping threshold from $49.50 to $35 for the month of May, in an effort to make it even easier to stay put at home and have access to home & body staples like soap, house cleaning agents, purifying incense, and more. If we can make it easier for you to stay healthy and calm, then we are happy Sea Witches.

Donating Soaps to At-Risk Youth in Our Community

Products that do not meet standards to be sold to the consumer are a typical contribution to most manufacturing facilities' waste stream. Because we operate in a toward zero-waste production facility, we take measures to capture “unsellable” product and make sure it gets in the hands of those in need. Most recently, we partnered with Bellingham non-profit, NW Youth Services, to offer single-use soap chunks for their shower station that services at-risk youth. We are honored to play a small role in helping our community stay healthy.

Commitment to Social Distancing

Our team’s health is always our top priority. We made a company-wide shift to have team members who can work remotely do so, under the advice of our state governing bodies to stay home to prevent the spread of disease. Our production and fulfilment teams are taking every measure to ensure proper sanitation while also working hard to keep up with orders. No current delays are expected- stay tuned for updates.

On behalf of all of us Sea Witches, we thank you for your consideration and support. We’re in this together and we are stronger together. Please share ways you are staying healthy and sane in these unfortunate times in a comment below.

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