Stockist Spotlight: The Vulva Witch

"It’s a space that I hope
plants seeds of radical liberation
and embodiment for all folx."

Today, our Stockist Spotlight shines upon a truly awesome and inspiring, QWOC-owned business based in Sacramento, California. The Vulva Witch was founded by Kaylynn Campbell, a self-relationship & body-connection educator, doula, and photographer whose beautiful work is challenging the toxic ways we have been taught to view our bodies by an oppressive system.

We are so excited to be sharing this interview with you, because Kaylynn Campbell is doing some powerful magic and we are HERE FOR IT. (Make sure you read to the end for her words of wisdom!)

Her liberating vulva photography project began as a way to make vulva diversity education accessible, but has become, she says, "so much more."

all photos belong to Kaylynn Campbell / The Vulva Witch

"It became an experience where people were seeing their vulva for the first time. It became an experience where humxns who have birthed children reclaimed their right to feel proud of their body rather than ashamed of it. It became a moment for survivors to feel safe again. It’s become the holiest work I have ever done."

For most of the past year since its opening, her shop front similarly existed to normalize, empower and uplift. When asked to describe her shop in three words, Campbell chose "Inclusive," "Healing," and "Magical." She has since transitioned out of the brick and mortar and fully into e-commerce, but we still want to celebrate this super cool human and support the important work she's doing. Make sure you tap the picture at the bottom of the blog to follow her on Instagram so you don't miss her pop-up events around the Bay area!

Read on for more from this amazing woman.

What kind of shop do you have? What kinds of goods do you carry?

I have a little brick & mortar [now an online shop] where I sell intentionally made vulva art, including incense holders and air plant holders. Hence why I am so excited to carry Sea Witch! I also sell vulva products like wash, lube, meditation oils etc.

What inspired you to open your store? How did you get started?

I wanted a space to have connection and conversation with vulva having humxns. I also photograph vulvae, so I needed a space to photograph and offer grounding meditations. This space allows me to converse with people about their relationship with their own vulva as well as learned beliefs about their body. It’s a space that I hope plants seeds of radical liberation and embodiment for all folx.

What aspects of being a shop owner are your favorite?

Connecting with the space and the community.

Are there words you live by or wisdom you'd like to share?

The more I unlearn, the more space I have to be my truest, freest self.

How do you practice self-care?

A lot of intentional quiet time with my body. I love to practice positive affirmations, along with tarot, oracle cards and incense.

Besides shopping with you, are there any other ways folx can support you?

Yes!! I am working on a gallery where I’d love to feature stories from vulva having humxns about shame, insecurity, sex, liberation or trauma. You can submit these on my website. They are kept anonymous.

Is there anything else you'd like to share with our readers?

You are magic. You are worthy. You are powerful.

WOW! Thank you, Kaylynn! We love you and what you do!

Don't forget to follow The Vulva Witch on Instagram! - @thevulvawitch

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